Now is the time to expand our facilities in Brasil! Our currency advantage gives us historic opportunities and a buyer’s market exists here that provides us an open door to expand!
We need to raise $250,000 now to capitalize this expansion. The facility would be available to train Brasilian revival leaders. Without hype, I can tell you: “One of the best opportunities – if not the best opportunity – to impact nations in this generation exists in training Brasilian revival leaders.” (By that I don’t mean that this is better, more valuable, or more anointed than other opportunities, only that it may be more strategic.)
After more than a decade of faithful ministry in this nation, Dr Don’s leadership initiative needs a fresh investment. His ministry enters a decade of expansion with a great demand upon resources, and it is a fundamental of Dr Don’s ministry to function from a position of financial strength so that his ministry does not burden those to whom he ministers.
Dr Don: “You can help me! My heart burns for our ministry in Brasil. And, now we have a confluence of economic factors that make it very good time for making the investment. With this capitalization we can “buy low” and expect an extremely high return on investment: buy facility at a low price and our investment will return hundreds, even thousands, of prepared and positioned kingdom leaders. The ‘best of times and the worst of times’ meet together for kingdom purpose.”
The ministries of Dr Don Lynch have touched millions, transformed hundreds of thousands, influenced thousands, and continue to father this nation in the fulfillment of its purpose, but so much more needs to be done!