The “We Know” of Intercession

Blueprinting is Divine. While God appears spur of the moment, His eternal planning produces the manifestation we see and hear. Nothing attracts Glory like purpose.

God has intentions. He is not fickle enough to respond or react. He is a God purpose.

Romans 8:28 speaks of purpose and passion. We read it like a comforting verse for bad moments and hard times. God wrote it to point out that He has a purpose. Nothing attracts Glory like purpose.

“We know” is the affirmation of the previous verses. We do not know is the basis for intercession. We engage and endure the process of painful birthing. We do so because we have entered the arena of purpose.

Creation groans because of purpose but cannot produce. Creation suffers dependency upon Man who has dominion over it. Creation waits for the inheritors to reveal its purpose.

The inheritors groan because of purpose but cannot produce. They suffer from limitation because they need God’s dominion within them. Inheritors wait for Holy Spirit to help them. He does.

Holy Spirit groans within the producers of purpose and produces purpose! He produces purpose through the ones called to produce purpose.

Paul concludes from this process that “we know.”

When we do not know, we are not producing purpose. The Romans 8:28 conclusion comes from the process of producing purpose. It is not a slogan for refrigerator magnets. It is not a comfort for the inevitable. It is not a way to explain away grief. It is the conclusion that “we know” by experience that intercession produces purpose.

“We know” that Jesus orchestrates All for good. He is the Inheritor of the Inheritance doing the Intercession. He is at work to symphonically orchestrate All. Yet, at the same time, He is not the One giving birth in Earth. He is the One giving birth in Heaven.

“We know” that we must give birth in the Earth. And, “we know” that Holy Spirit Himself helps us with our limitations.

Fear of Pregnancy

This “we know” encourages us to be pregnant. Often. This “we know” encourages us to be in labor. Painfully. This “we know” encourages us to experience the revelation of what we do not know how to pray as a pregnancy of mystery.

Now, I am going to contradict a basic tenet of intercessory prayer movement doctrine. I suppose that will offend many precious hearts. This is an offense of immediate need. The hearts are now afraid of pregnancy. They have become convinced that the pregnancy of birthing comes from a different “we know.” They await the revelation of “we know” from a different source.

They await the pregnancy of “we know” instead of the birthing of “we know.” They do not get pregnant until “we know” occurs, so the mystery of intercession no longer beckons them. The intimacy of the closet is not a public intimacy of prophesied revelation.

The intercessor awaits a prophetic word from someone before they can be pregnant. They are afraid to be pregnant with mystery. But, when the prophet speaks, they wish to birth the purpose available from that seed. They no longer have a “we know” that God works All. They see the word of a prophet as a “we know” of personal control.


The process Paul describes is one of inadequacy, requiring internal surrender. It is risky to be pregnant with mystery. It is a process of birthing that brings forth purpose. The birthing of purpose leaves the intercessor available for the next pregnancy. It does not put the purpose into the intercessor’s arms for nurture.

In the scenario, “the Lord has shown us what to pray,” the surrender to mystery gives way to a different “we know.” The immediate inference to the human soul is that “I now have more control of the process of birthing.” And, in the end, the intercessor comes to feel that what is birth comes into their arms. “This is mine. I birthed it.”

No such scenario exists in Paul’s discussion of purpose. The called to produce His purpose are not called to produce their own purpose. The purpose is not something gained by the intercessor through birthing. The purpose is something God already possesses in Heaven. He requires inheritors on Earth to birth that purpose here.

At no point does this process remove Mystery. The spiritual womb has no windows. It is not for the intercessor’s arms to hold purpose that the birthing comes.

I recently heard a coordinator for several states speak of a prophecy. She says she is deciding when and how a certain prophetic word will be birthed. Shocked to my soul, I gasped out loud.

But, I understood why she would say this. Her “we know” has become a different “we know.” She now thinks she owns what she births. She thinks she owns the intercessors of these regions as well.

“Come out of the closets where Mystery is conceived and mystery is birthed,” she says. “The prophets have removed Mystery from the process.”

Not according to the Bible.

Prophets and Purpose

How is the process of birthing related to the process of prophecy then? For the most part, intercession deals with mystery. Prophets deal with revealing the strategic purpose. After birthing a purpose, prophets reveal some of the mystery. What they reveal is strategic to the purpose, but Mystery remains.

Prophecy is not designed to remove mystery! Prophecy reveals strategic purpose.

Consider that what the prophet speaks has been born of mystery. He reveals the hidden. What he reveals is as orchestrated as the birthing. It is part of the All symphonically orchestrated.

Beware the horrifying dysfunction of owning what is God’s. Beware the dysfunctional rebellion of carrying a purpose about in your arms.

Surrender produces pregnancy. Surrender produces birthing. Intercessors give birth. Surrender produces pregnancy. Surrender produces birthing. Prophets give birth. Each carries mystery in the womb. Each births mystery. Neither owns what they birth.

Now that someone concluded that apostles have something to do with what is birthed, everyone wants to be an apostle.

I have wondered why this awkward stumbling about occurs. I wonder now if the process of owning what is birthed came because the “we know” is no longer about God, but us.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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