A Challenge for a New Worship Sound in a New Era

Giants are falling! The heads of giants are going on tour. People will be convinced that victory is here. The army that once stood on the hillside watching, intimidated by the monster, sent to battle without weapons, is now awakened. They ran down the army of the giant and captured their weapons. This win puts a sword in the hand of every warrior just as David armed the entire army of Israel in one day after killing Goliath.

Upon the occasion of David’s victory, a new sound of worship updated the dance of the nation. It was louder than the theme songs of the previous regime. Saul was “the king the people want.” David was the king God wanted. So, the new song set a new standard for worship.

“Saul has killed his thousands. David has killed his ten thousands.”

This song upset Saul but liberated a culture.

Could it be time for a new sound from American worshipers? Could it be that a new leadership requires a new worship sound?

David matured in worship and leadership at the same time and pace. If the New Era is upon us, then new worship must accompany the shift in kingdom leadership. We have sung about ourselves long enough. We have worshiped to surface sentiments. We, like those that demanded a king like Saul, centered our worship upon “we want to be like the other nations.” God now has leadership that has His heart! We need a new worship with the same passion as David had when he ran into the valley of the giant.

Moving from entertainment value to worship victory, we need some new songs of triumph, overcoming, and exponential expansion available through synergy.

The new season is here! We need to maximize it! Let tested worship warriors write the “nex.t” Let them move us from standing around waiting into an advance mode. Let us sing as warriors, with courage, hope, and power! Leet this sound release the new dance. Let the sound be a prophetic announcement, songs that are written for now and tomorrow!

Poets write! Musicians produce. Reach for a sound that awakens purpose. The groaning Creation waits for this manifestation of God’s inheritors. Set the bass notes deep and the drums to the cadence of heaven. Release the sounds that shake the mountains of culture!

Let the lovers take up arms for war! Let the passion of the quiet places become an anthem of militant advance!

Let the cry go out from the worshiping warriors: a new conscription of kingdom patriots that say, “I will not rest where loving arms embrace. I must storm the gates of the enemies of God!”

We war, and we win!

Who has the song of the Lord for this New Era?

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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