God’s Hornets and Election Patterns

God says, “I will send My hornets against your enemies. I will cause confusion between two coalitions of voters. I will motivate two classes of voters.”

“I’ll just make them make them willing to go:
If a nest of live hornets was brought to this room,
And the creatures allowed to go free,
You would not need urging to make yourself scarce;
You’d want to get out; don’t you see!” (Old Gospel song)

Two Coalitions

My hornets will cause a “Collision of Coalitions.” Two coalitions of support for the enemies of My purposes, the very building blocks of support for their election power will collide. The collision will birth a new alliance unwilling to support either of previous ones. This new coalition will create a unique, negative synergy that weakens their power. The New Coalition will not be your friend, but it will be synergetic in multiplying an adverse effect against your enemies. Moving a vote from one or the other to a new coalition will weaken both former alliances.

This will change the voting 5-7 % in specific districts and states in such a way as to dramatically shift the expected outcomes. It will not be according to any predictable pattern. No one will see this coming.

Two Classes of Voters

My hornets will also motivate the sleeping grassroots evangelicals and passive patriots disgusted and despairing about “my vote does not make a difference.” My hornets will drive them off their blessed assurances into voting booths. A turn of 5-7% of these voters will be called a tidal wave or tsunami in political circles. My hornets will terrorize your enemies as long as you continue to face down My enemies.

In some districts, the new coalition and the hornet motivated voters will shockwaves into Washington causing political resignations. Those that said they were going to regain power will resign.

This will open the way for a new era of political reforms. A new wave of statesmen will surf this wave with a new era political outlook.

Uncharted Territory

Charts will be torn off the walls of political party planners. All predictions will require a “new era analysis.” Charts will be torn off the walls of “last days” teachers. All predictions and projections will require a “new era analysis.”

We are heading into uncharted territory in Amerca and the church.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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