Mature Leadership, Mature Leaders

Many people envision a leaders as someone to do for them what they lack the strength of will and personal leadership to do for themselves, but such a concept of leadership is foreign to the kingdom of God. God is making a kingdom of priests and kings: the kingdom leadership He has provided produces maturity in the people. Mature leaders mature leaders.

We certainly have a dearth of leadership function, but the leadership solution is more about maturing people personally than maturing the leaders they are assigned to follow. We cannot afford another generation of supersaints and spiritual X-men performing like Saul, head and shoulders above the people but really small in influence. King Saul’s leadership actually produced regression instead of progression in terms the level of personal leadership in Israel.

That is, the people demanded that their leadership be “like the nations around us.” They wished to be better at the game of cultural piracy, consume or be consumed, than they wished to become the people God created and called them to be. They wanted a king “to fight for us.” God wanted them to learn to fight themselves. Saul left them to make war without weapons: only Saul and Jonathan had a sword. The people showed up to watch a performance instead of being prepared and positioned “to do the stuff.”

God anointed David because David would do what God wanted. David had God’s heart, developed in obscurity, in the crucible of personal leadership development. David mature his own leadership through submission and obedience, then inspired the people to develop personal leadership in their own lives.

Leadership Function Levels

The maturity of the people sets the level of leadership function. The leader can mature personally at any rate, but the level of leadership in which leadership functions depends upon the maturity of the people following that leadership. To lead at a higher level, the leader must mature the people in their own personal leadership. Mature leaders mature leaders.

God will provide a people the leadership at their personal leadership maturity level. Saul became king because the people were at that level of leadership maturity. David because king because God wanted a leader who could mature the people. Saul left people at the same level or even demanded them to exercise less personal leadership, keeping them in subservient position.

David immediately released them from that position into a higher level of personal leadership. In one moment, the quieted army shouted when they saw David raise the giant’s head. When encountered those in debt, discouraged, and disenfranchised in the desert, David starting immediately making them into mighty men.

Mature leaders mature leaders.

To lead in the leadership function of your creation and calling, you must be able to mature those assigned to that leadership. To lead apostolically, you must mature an apostolic people else your personal maturity and the function of your leadership will come into imbalance. You will be frustrated, even angry with people, but the real issue remains that your leadership function cannot mature if you do not mature the people God assigns to your leadership.

To break the cultural spiral that brings the next generation into the same level of personal leadership, we need more than a few special people escaping the spiral to become examples of “how to beat the system.” We need leaders who can inspire people to personal leadership, to bring them a strength of will that inspires submission and obedience to purpose, principle, and passion from outside themselves.

To prepare people to “do the work of ministry” requires the hard work of personal preparation. People must submit and obey in order to develop personal leadership that functions by passion, principle, and purpose greater than their own. Passion from outside themselves. Principle from outside themselves. Purpose from outside themselves.

Certainly people have created purpose instilled and installed within them by their Creator, but they immediately enter the crucible of personal leadership the moment they are born. Their Creator designed this leadership development strategy to develop personal leadership in His creation with a mind to strengthen the will of the individual so that personal can function in personal leadership, so people could be captured and committed to passion, principle, and purpose outside and higher than themselves. Not innate. Revealed. Inspired.

Wrestling with Champions

This process will require a unique confrontation and conflict because people wish to be ready without the hard work; they naturally wish someone to position them without the tedious process of preparation. They envision their potential as purpose when potential is never an indicator of purpose. Never. The valid “potential” of their purpose is not what is possible since that would represent a myriad of possibilities – what they could be and do.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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