New Era Pioneering

We are facing new enemies on new turf.

We need superior weapons and warriors. We need every person in the wagon train operating in warfare even though only a few are elite warriors.

Everyone is in a strategic battle – physical, family, financial, fellowship, and philosophical. The deepest and most intimate aspects of your lives are being tested. The method of hell is distraction that you cause you to accept a substitute for your highest.

You are being tested to exchange submission to your leaders for control of your destiny.

You face new enemies in the night. Somewhere in the night, Lilith is visiting you and your world. Somewhere in the night, witchcraft enchantments are working into your subconscious. Somewhere in the night, compelling spiritual energies are being focused to thwart God’s purposes in your life. They work to move you away.

The battles are real, new, novel, without precedent, and deep intimacy. The answer lies in a new oneness, commitment, submission, and humility. The answer does not lie in a new fragmentation, distinction, or self-promotion.

Some of you are assuming new battles mean you need to seek new surrounding or new directions. They do not. They mean you are part of what is happening next right here at this home base.

Warfare Tactics

We learn from David that elite troops are necessary to kingdom stability.

Do not be afraid to invest in elite troops.

David makes mighty men of the disenfranchised. Saul makes mighty men mediocre. David prepares and positions expanders. Saul attaches mighty men to himself as suspenders.To move through this terrain as pioneers, you must have a company of elite warriors.

Those who are out to build themselves a ministry will go back to the settlements. They remain stuck in the context of past weakness. They will not stand the perils of the pioneer trail.

They want a microwave instead of bonfire. They wish a drive through instead of a chuck wagon. They wish to sleep on a feather bed, not under the stars. They want rest, not the place apart from which to hear the approach of “stealthing” Lilith.

Embrace suffering as training for endurance.

Consider the first prophetic word Paul the Apostle receives. There is no “enter into the beauties and joys of running the show and wearing the robes.” There is no “and surely you will experience the ecstasies of exuberance.”

Paul receives a clear prophetic word of suffering.

“He is My chosen vessel to represent Me before non-Jews, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My Name’s sake.”

Jesus calls a warrior, not a church planter. The church planting is a side benefit of warfare. To turn from warfare to planting is to grow a harvest the enemy will eventually steal from you.

Remember this principle of God using the wicked to lay up treasure for the righteous. It works both ways. The enemy will assist you in planting a great harvest laid up for the wicked. The difference is warfare, not plenty.

Kingdom leadership has accompanying assignment for warfare leadership.

Helping people “find themselves” will give way to helping people find their placement. The emphasis upon community will give way to emphasis upon culture. The effort to survive will give way to conquest. Kingdom come. Kingdom culture. Kingdom conquest.

Adding Jesus as an aftermarket feature that makes our lives better will give way to sacrifice, stamina, and submission.

The idea that doing anything other than soul winning is a distraction give way to kingdom expansion. The newborn is not ready to lead pioneering. The newborn immediately enters preparation and positioning for pioneering. The new born who is not part of pioneering grows up ignoring the kingdom.

The new born enters a discipling process for preparation and positioning for warfare. He is part of a pioneering kingdom, not a country club church. The newborns first play toys will not be “how to enjoy the club’s facilities and have better life,” but “how to face down God’s enemies.”

Pioneers sacrifice unlimited individualism for security and efficiency only available in the group.

We do not lose personal destiny. We make a sacrifice of personal destiny to an assignment greater than our own. We discover the what-God-wants for our lives involves submission more than excellence. Excellence comes from fullness of obedience more than impressive human strength and wisdom.

The modern assumption that Jesus died so “I can be all I want to be” gives way to the Biblical assumption that Jesus died so I can become a living sacrifice.

Tactical advantage: weapons and unified arrangement

In the Wagon Box Fight, August 2, 1867, near Ft. Kearney a detail under Capt. James Powell, barricaded behind wagon bodies that had been removed from their running gear, held off several thousand Sioux and Cheyenne, attacking in waves of several hundred at a time, for over four hours with a loss of only 3 killed and 2 wounded.

One of the three killed was Capt. John Janness. Janness was standing in a wagon and was ordered to get down. His last words were his response, “I know how to fight Indians.” The words were hardly out of his lips when he fell to an Indian bullet.

The Wagon Box fight is believed to have taken place on top of the knoll marked by the line of trees. In the aftermath of the Wagon Box Fight, however, the Indians realized that they needed modern weapons.

In some instances, the weaponry of the Indians was antiquated. Through the autumn, Fort Phil Kearny remained under a state of siege. At the end of October, the Indians set fire to the dry grass about the fort.

“We must have a new tactical manual for kingdom conquest.”

If we do not, we will continue in defensive postures instead of conquering territories. We will not open the trade routes that will connect our Kingdom Centers across our nation.

We must now establish Kingdom Centers for kingdom economic trade expansion. We need to protect those pioneered trade routes. The trade matrix will no longer suffer from pirating gangs.

Our disunity all comes from pride and self-interests. We must eliminatestrife. It comes from competition. We are fighting one another for advantage. We are killing champions with friendly fire.”

“Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is foundin those who take advice.”[Proverbs 13:10]

Wisdom is basically strategy. The humble submit to tactical strategies, becoming stronger through collaboration instead of separating into competition.”

If we do not follow tested, mature, revelatory generals in this Era, we will suffer stunning losses. In the season we should be winning the greatest victories of history, we will suffer devastating setbacks.

Our tactical training manuals seldom allow for rapid response to attack.

Because we move slowly, in a very long line, we are vulnerable to attack at our points of weakness. A tactical response to defend our weakness allows for a mobile counterattack by our elite troops.

We need to train every member of the wagon train to fight! We do not want every member of the wagon train to become a special forces warrior. We are an army, but we are more than an army.

We are a pioneering train. We represent a New Era of Pioneering for the biggest kingdom reset history.

Without immediate tactical changes, our vulnerability keeps our elite troops on defense. We cannot allow people to travel this route unprepared for battle. Yet, if we hesitate in pioneering, we will miss the New Era.

We have no choice but to change.

Clay Nash Dream of Faulty Pioneering

Friday night, March 24, 2017, after a significant time of ministry with Dutch Sheets in Camden AR, I had a dream. A thunderstorm rolled in. Heavy rains poured down, while strong winds blew.
In my dream, the Lord caught me up above the USA. I saw many revival movements blazing trails through unchartered territory. They were cutting trees, clearing land, and establishing centers. They were naming the moves of God and establishing their cultures in these centers.
I could hear the leaders speaking of accomplishments. They said they were going a way no one had ever been. They spoke of how they had been misunderstood and had to pull away from all that was already established.
As I watched their efforts, many became weary and quit. Some centers that had once blazed with light blazing began to dim. I heard painful moans of how they were misunderstood. They were in anguish from misunderstanding.
My heart was troubled.
The Lord then spoke and said, “Come higher.”
I was immediately taken up to an even higher position. Within two hundred yards of every new revival trail there was a developed, well-maintained road. Freedom Outposts and Apostolic centers were located on this road. I saw the mantles of some of pioneers that are now part of the cloud of witnesses resting upon the centers and freedom outposts. I also saw many present-day fathers and mothers of the faith at these outposts and centers.
My heart wept because I knew that we are missing our opportunity of the synergy of the ages. We are working separately.
After I woke, I was keenly aware of the prodigal son’s decision to take his inheritance to a far country. He removed himself from his father’s wisdom and influence. This caused the son to lose his inheritance. He lost his way.
Then, this prayer rose in my heart: “Please Lord, give the seasoned fathers and mothers favor and influence. Those who have paid a great price to build what the Lord has had them build have gained wisdom. Give those leaders position and authority. They can unite us. We can become ‘the movement of movements in our America!’”
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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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