Quoting God or Submitting to Prophetic Process

Prophetic one-up-manship comes from a flesh or soulish source and diminishes the purity of the revelation.

1. Your attempt to make the way you received the revelation undeniable reveals your need to satisfy a demanding desire.

Watch carefully when the prophet needs to add a “you cannot deny this is God” aspect to the revelation.

This is done by framing the dream, vision, impression, or messaging itself as an “I heard this direct” message. The apparent effort to stop all judgment of the word before it is even released seeks to diminish the necessary prophetic process and make the word seem undeniable “as is.” This is a direct blow to the integrity of the person and the revelation.

“I had this dream, and within the dream, Jesus spoke to me. So, as a humble servant and am telling you the words that came out of His mouth.”

Well, that pretty much means receive it all “as is” because Jesus said it, or reject it all “as is” because you cannot process this dream for prophetic integrity.

a) Do not present the dream in this manner. Do not write or speak of the dream with the apparent or intentional perspective of “I heard Jesus say these words” because we read your words and know that they are yours, not His.

You cannot properly present a dream or word with the idea that “I am quoting Jesus” without bringing the prophetic process into question and diminishing what is essential to the integrity of the prophetic.

If you have a trance vision like Simon Peter, you will also have the prophetic process from Jesus. If you have quotes from Jesus in a vision or dream but you do not have the prophetic process from Jesus in the same revelation, you need to present the dream for interpretation, application, and implementation to prophetic leaders without some caveat of “as is” or nothing.

2. You present the dream as “From the mouth of God to your ears” because of a revelatory experience.

You describe in the dream how you felt – and you should describe your feelings – but you do so with an obvious attempt to make your feelings or the experience a demand for an “as is” quote from God.

“I went to Heaven and…” Well, there it is. If God took you to Heaven so you could snoop around and overhear things or because Jesus wants the world to hear things from your mouth to the world, you cannot be questioned about the integrity of either your impressions or conclusions.

“Going to heaven” is no less a revelatory experience as an impression, vision, or word of knowledge in the sense of “this means my revelation is beyond process.” In fact, the claim that you went to Heaven at the request of Jesus so He could speak to you in that context leads to a much higher level of judgment and scrutiny.

You are claiming Bible inspiration status where none is available, so you need to have your wings clipped for sharing things with that leverage in your mind.

Do people “go to heaven?” No. Yes. Whatever that means determines whatever that means. Did John go to heaven? No. Yes. If you think Heaven is a place to which you go, you reveal you don’t know heaven. If you took angelic Uber trips to heaven, you wouldn’t be going to a place but a condition. Your body didn’t go somewhere. Your soul didn’t go somewhere. Your spirit engaged in a condition that revealed spiritual reality to your soul and the experience might affect your body.

You didn’t go to heaven. So, you cannot use “I went to Heaven” as an “I have higher, more accurate, quotes from Jesus, above all others, or ‘as is’ revelations.” Your stuff is submitted to the kingdom as any other person’s.

This “I am revelator” stuff is obviously false on its face. there is no higher form of prophetic communication for the woo-woo people especially when the woo-woo people are not even leaders.

If you went to the top of Sinai in the Glory, you still have to come down and communicate. Since Moses had Bible inspiration level revelation, and you don’t, your experience must pass through a prophetic process without your insistence upon it being in a different category because of your experience.

Using Quotation Marks for God’s Words

Transcribing God is serious business. We have Holy Spirit inspiration and historic oversight to give us a Bible without errors. We do not have that level of inspiration for prophetic experiences. We have a process for judging the interpretation, application, and implementation of revelatory experiences.

I use quotation marks in revelatory experiences and words when I wish to write or communicate something I received that was specific. I know that I have phrases built into my prophetic voice that are not God’s words, so I attempt to stay away from the “in this hour” and “you are in a new season” phrases that sound like quotes from God when they are my processing of revelatory awareness.

When I use quotations marks for specific words, as if I am quoting God – which I am never doing – I wish to make a distinction in the communication that this was specifically what I heard, that the emphasis upon these particular words was apparent in the impression or an inspired conclusion reached from what I saw.

Holy Spirit can certainly assist in the communication step.

Remember, the process is revelation, communication, interpretation, application, and implementation. Between revelation and communication, we suffer from imperfection every time we function. We have no inspiration guarantee about inerrancy for a very good reason.

Properly communicating what you heard, using quotation marks to say, “This was specific in word choice, I think” is not the same as quoting God and then force-feeding the world with the idea that your superior hearing or experience with revelation puts you into a different forcefield for the prophetic process.

If the person does this, I know right away they have diminished the revelation with a soulish demanding desire. They are using for personal gain what God intended to be pure. The word is definitely tainted with the smell of flesh, so we have to work harder to determine what or if God was communicating.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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