The Vision of the Chessboard: A Strategic Apostolic Message for the Kingdom

In the vision, I am looking at a chessboard. The board is the basis for a revelatory understanding of the kingdom game plan. The board game is chess. The revelation does not necessarily answer to the rules of that game but the revelation picture God uses the board and pieces to reveal.

Get into Position

The board has contrasting squares of black and white to reveal the position of each chess piece. This stark contrast of chessboard squares speaks of distinct contrast and specifically clarified positioning. The squares speak of placement.

Placement will be vital as we approach the Roaring Twenties. Placement is “position by purpose.” If a piece is on black, but any portion is on white, the piece is out of position. The order of placement and positioning I can see with increased focus. It becomes so clear that the pieces seem keenly aware of where they have been placed. They did not place themselves. They know they are positioned in a way that creates “placement.” They honor the boundaries that clarify the placement of other pieces.

Knowing your placement defines your role. It sets needed boundaries of position for you and others working with and around you. It identifies your function so that you and others know what you can do and where you can go. Just as pieces of the game move with particular and specials rules, your placement takes that movement into account.

Do not allow any displacement or self-placement in 2019! If you are out of place, get back into place. Go back to the point of your deviation and self-determination to reenter your positioning in God’s game plan. If you are out of place, you will suffer friendly fire that is no one’s fault but your own. You do not appear to be on the same team as God when God does not place you.

The black and white squares do not represent good and evil, but the entire game does represent one kingdom in opposition to another kingdom.

Proper placement of pieces is the point of the board’s stark contrast.

Apostolic Order

In the vision, I heard a voice say, “This is apostolic order.” I have been writing about apostolic order, discussing the apostolic order, and analyzing revelation about an apostolic order. I have been writing in response to a prophetic word and apostolic assignment I receive from an international apostle.

So, I was not surprised by this announcement within the vision. I was immediately processing with understanding what God was revealing about an apostolic order.

This is apostolic order. Knights that go up. Bishops that oversee move from and through perspectives of oversight and strategic lines of sight or angles. Pawns serve the strategic battle plan winning the game, a battle plan already producing victory before and around them.

Rooks anchor the board like towers for watchers, castles that mark territory, and like chariots (as they were first represented in the game) that carry a special application of spiritual authority and power to natural conditions.

Opening Moves

In the opening moves of this gameplan, the pawns remain in place ready to serve the battleplan strategy. They will move only after the knights have carried out the opening advance, and the bishops in oversight perspective and activity make a clear path forward.

“Do not lead with the pawns,” the voice says, “Lead with the knights. Identify, prepare, equip, and position the knights for battle. Lead with the knights. Mount the knights on warhorses. Explain to all the pieces on the board: watch the knights if you want to understand the next moves and your next positioned placements.”

The warriors need to oil their armor. The warriors need to practice on warhorses. The warriors need to set their minds to lead. The warriors for this battle can move quickly, even suddenly. These are not warriors for the parade but warriors for the blitzing. They will intimidate by moving rapidly, confronting the opposition with lightning fast moves.

“The apostolic order of positioned placements will determine the opening moves in every region on Earth,” the voice says, “I have been working on this preparation for this positioning to achieve this placement for more than twenty years.”

1. Knights jump over all other pieces on the chess board.

In the vision, “the knights go up” before they made a lateral move and settled back down. This reminded me of the Micah 2:13 reference to “the King who goes up before them” It is the breaker anointing.

“I’m calling Jacob into an Ecclesia. I want everyone back in position, all the Remnant of Israel. I’ll assemble them in one place like sheep in a fold, like cattle in a corral, a people on their way back home.

The One who breaks them out will go up in front of them to lead them out and into the open. Their King goes up in front of them, the Lord at the head of the released Remnant.”

[When the people were called “to stand before the Lord,” they were called together into assembly as an ekklesia.]

Air Superiority

In this strategy, we respond to “air superiority.” The knights go first, and they do up and then over. We must win in the spirit before we land in the natural. The knights ride up on warhorses in air superiority, then fall upon strategically and distinct positions that provide a way forward for overseers while pawns await a clear path.

The attempt to serve or minister in some way, to respond to the battle as a servant, before knights and bishops establish kingdom authority will result in the pawns serving the wrong kingdom.

That is, being “out of position” gives the enemy advantage. You are not just in jeopardy yourself if self-positioned or moving in pretense. You are assisting the enemy.

Because of air superiority, knights can land on any and every square of the board through a series of strategic moves. They are lifted up. Then they make a double placement shift. Then one to one side or the other. They can go two and one in any direction. They can retreat in any direction. They can overtake. They can jump over. They fly up before they settle down.

Knights go “up” and then take a position “upon.” They capture the square upon which they land. They operate in air superiority.

2. Bishops, or overseers, move diagonally. They have lines of sight, or perspectives, unlike any other piece but the queen. They can move clear across the board in one move. Their perspective is key to their mobility, but their versatility is key to their viewpoint.

“Leaders cannot remain in one position, stuck upon one square, and expect to provide battleplan perspectives,” the voice says. “Leaders must move ‘across the board’ upon the angle of their perspectives. This allows oversight based upon full perspectives.”

Bishops work with and follow through with knights going up and landing upon placements positions. They respond to the movements of knights. Even though they have oversight perspectives, they must continually involve themselves in the actions of the warriors to provide oversight perspectives for the entire game plan.

These oversight moves are risky. They move away from the castle towers. They provide entrance to and capture within the openings created by knights landing upon strategic squares, exposing the leaders of the opposition.

Knights open the way. Oversight elders swiftly respond. The knights move with lightning speed, so the perspectives of bishops must be rapid, risky, but responsive to the knight’s objectives.

“I have given oversight elders perspectives so that things will be obvious to them that are not obvious to others. I will reveal next moves to bishops, so they accurately anticipate what is coming next before the enemy,” the voice emphatically announces, “and apostolic order makes these risky movements safer. Don’t try these moves without order! But, with an apostolic order in place and placements, knights going up and bishops responding rapidly will confuse the enemy. You will accomplish victories, and the enemy will not realize you have won for some time after you reach the objective.”

3. Rooks, castles, towers, and chariots move in straight lines because they govern boundaries. They are gatekeepers. Not completely stationary but strategically placed. They stand at the boundaries of each kingdom and provide a defense of its gates.

The rook can “castle” a king, moving the king more closely to the rook if the king has not been moved previously.

That is, if the king has remained in his position previous to this “castling” move, the rook serves as a point of protection for the kingdom in peril. The point is that the king can only move one square at a time, except in this special move involving the rook.

If you keep the king in his position in your battleplan, your watchman and gatekeeper positions maintain the possibility of a sudden, unexpected, strategic move. If you move your king out of position previous to the need for a castling move, you cannot protect the king with a double space move. You have wasted your watchmen if you have moved your king.

“The king in this gameplan is not the King moving the pieces. The king in this gameplan is your passion for dying for the purpose of the kingdom,” the voice whispers gently. “You must have the king at heart, passion for the kingdom purpose of the battle. If you are “moved by the battle,” your heart is not steady, your watchman will be wasted.”

4. The queen is the most flexible and mobile piece on the board. She does not move with the same pattern as a knight. She does, however, move diagonally and in all directions, both forward and backward. She makes across the board sudden moves when a pathway forward has been cleared.

The queen usually stays close to the king, protects the king’s position, and ventures from the king to strategic overcoming captures. When setting up the board, the queen stands upon her color. She sets the layout of the battle.

The queen is the most potent piece but least in value. The game can continue without her participation on the board.

The Ecclesia is the queen. The kingdom continues operation even when an Ecclesia cannot function, as we all know. When a kingdom Ecclesia is functional in a kingdom against kingdom battle plan, she is the most powerful, versatile, imposing, and dangerous piece on either side.

The vision does not apply strictly by the rules of chess. This game is ancient, varies in some cultures, but operates by strict regulations. In the vision, we would emphasize “How Things Really Work in the Spirit.” These rules of engagement have been set from before Creation.

“She is more precious to Me than any other, but in the battleplan she must live dispensable, ready to die, baring her chest to certain death for the kingdom,” the voice says. “She cannot remain passive if she is faithful. She cannot sacrifice purpose and remain authentic. This is the sense in which she is of least value: while a treasure to the King, she is also dispensable for kingdom purpose. She must not love her life even unto death if she is to overcome.”

Apostolic Applications of the Vision

The board speaks to apostolic order. The gameplan speaks to kingdom culture. The game pieces describe functions of kingdom battle in general ways.

The pieces as I see them in the vision are not represented in a modern church at this time. The Ecclesia as I understand the queen in the vision is seldom even visualized in the contemporary version of church-anity.

They are not present now as they are in the Bible or this vision. The pieces or functions of game pieces presented in the Bible have been reappropriated by modern church-anity.

A new manual of tactics must be written to address these discrepancies between God’s viewpoint, what He shares in the Bible, and what is understood in the Divine presuppositions.

An “apostolic order” means that the King sends someone to represent Him personally who carries and possesses both culture purpose for the places to which he is sent and battleplans for warfare that will establish the claims of the King. In apostolic order, the positioning of prepared pieces “sets the board.” The Ecclesia sets the board by her “color.” An apostolic order alone can prepare for positioning, and without it, the board will not be set the gameplan of the Roaring Twenties.

To begin with any other set of schematics or with any different presuppositions is to miss the strategies of the King. Friendly fire increases when and where those that fight for the King fail to understand, submit to, and follow the strategic battleplan and culture purposes of the King strictly as expressed in the apostolic Didache.

While the Didache of the kingdom is set and eternal, the application of the Didache to specific cultures never destroys the culture. It always redeems and restores the original purpose of the place in the people who dwell there.

The Apostolic Pattern

The apostolic pattern is distinct. It is equality based upon preparation, positioning, and posture. It is not equality based upon any citizen doing whatever he pleases within the kingdom. The Master of the game will not prepare and position, bypassing apostolic order when He is the One who sent the apostles to set that order.

Citizens who refuse apostolic order are out of place. They assist the enemies of God. They become victims of friendly fire. They panic in the strategic moments when lightning-fast moves and oversight responses are critical. They get in the way of God’s gameplan because they are out of placement.

The apostolic pattern is not applied directly by Holy Spirit or Jesus to any one citizen. It is a coordinated pattern set into place by the human leaders the King sends to represent Him.

Nothing is more evident to the mature spiritual man than the fact that people’s capacity to sense spiritual things has little bearing upon the quality of their understanding, perspective, application, and implementation of what they have perceived. They can do something very wrong with very accurately perceived spiritual insights.

The Bible teaches and commands that the order of the kingdom advance in any culture and the spiritual battleplan to establish the kingdom culture in that place operate in and by an apostolic order. Jesus and every originating apostle of the fathering generation describe the apostolic order.

The light and dark squares of the chessboard help us visualize the precise positioning of individual pieces within the game or battle plan. The entire match presupposes opposition. There are two kingdoms. There are specific spiritual ways of leading, operating, opposing, and functioning. These two kingdoms oppose one another as a matter of reality, or this is the reality of the Universe. This is “How Things Really Work in the Spirit.”

To get into God’s gameplan, we have to abandon the worldview of His enemies. The differences between them are as a stark of white and black. There is no middle of the road in this battle plan. There is no gray area.

We must define and refine apostolic order in 2019 if we are to be ready for the Roaring Twenties.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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