In 2015

License Plates

I went into open vision about 2015: I was holding old license plates, some rusted to the point at which reading the numbers became difficult. I was required to use strong, industrial strength sand paper to clear off dirt, rust, and distortion to the original paint in order to read the plates. I saw the dates and places, surprised that the numbers ended in “6.”

I say, “Lord, the year ahead is 2015, not 2016.”

He says, “You cannot know My purpose for 2015 properly without understanding how they move things forward for 2016. Only by looking at what licensed permission I restore to ministries in 2016 will you properly order those ministries in 2015.”

The plates were 1916, 1936, 1946, 1956, 1966, 1976, and 1986. No 1926 plate was in my hands. The plates varied in sizes and sophistication and were plates from different states and regions of the US. The plates revealed various conditions of decay or disfigurement. Surprisingly, 1966 was in the best condition of all of them.

Collectors had not secured the plates in any collection. They had been buried and suffered from the passage of time, yet each plate fully retained the message I first carried and retained the fullness of its identity.

I knew that I could still trace the ownership of each plate back to the time I granted permission or license to drive the ministry upon which it was bolted.


In 2015 God exposes roots. Expect aspects of your generations that come to light to expose the need for deeper redemption of purposes unfulfilled in your lineage. Whatever needs cleanse, put to the fire and the Blood! Whatever calls for fulfillment, pursue as a priority of this season! Urgency in purpose should mark your lifestyle in 2015. Run after purpose by shaking off weights and limiting behaviors and cycles.

When the roots are exposed, lay the axe to the root! Cut off dead roots. Harvest and reset roots of purpose in the ground God prepared in the last two or three years.

Ministries with exposed roots will see that the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches strangling the production of that ministry’s purpose. These roots exposed will demand radical surgeries, both amputations and root pruning. This will mean that people pleasing has altered the original intentions of the assignment, and some people will not remain in place once a return to purpose is secured. This will mean that some root grafting must be done, that people in the ministry must cut covenant with the purpose of the ministry more than what the ministry can do for them personally or how the ministry can launch their destinies.

Mini-movements most of all require a root examine that exposed roots will allow. The purpose of the mini-movements remains healthy. The cancer of distraction and substitutions for original purpose grew from attempting to accumulate more people rather than mature the people called to that assignment will be clearly seen. Cancer has the color of death though that color appears more attractive and appealing than the colors of life-giving grace when those colors are examined with natural eyes.

America’s root system continues to be exposed by Revival and Riot in 2015. Expect to see root issues exposed in both major political parties that produce deeper outrage and disgust with government. Expect to see political movements emerge that could be labeled “other than.” They aren’t the ones at work at present but root systems below grassroots that emerge to redefine the extremes at the middle – redefine the extremes at the middle is a political reality, not a kingdom reality.

America’s most basic roots on display again: the compromises made to secure the union have reached their inevitable end in various ways. Trace these compromises through their expansions in the courts and Congress. Examine how the original intentions of the covenant remain amid the maturity of seeds of destruction sown at the same time the seeds of covenant purpose were sown.

“Political agreement can never produce purpose. Covenant purposes can only be secured by a remnant and fulfilled through that remnant’s purity, priority, and principles: the nation goes where the remnant points it. Only the remnant can release what is necessary to covenant purpose because only the remnant can pray the prayer that will connect heaven and earth.

“I have given no kingdom keys to political leaders. I have given no kingdom keys to economic leaders. I have given no kingdom keys to educational leaders, business leaders, medical leaders, military leaders, or cultural leaders. I have given kingdom keys to kingdom leaders who can carry them into all these arenas of culture.”

Angelic Migrations

In 2015, expect angelic migrations will occur as a shift in emphases arrives for kingdom expansion. Angels always do what God is doing, and God renews His interest in some regions because of plowing prayer and penetrating rain. Once the climate changes, atmosphere condenses available rains, and a region begins to experience ancient seeds of purpose sprouting and extending roots. Once this occurs, an angelic migration responds to these vulnerable and tender sprouts of purpose.

Some areas enjoying fertility will experience sabbaths upon the land. A time of rest will come in terms of spiritual production or of that region being a source of origination.

Areas where sprouts of purpose are taking root in the US include Detroit and the borders of that state with Canada. Camden, New Jersey where strong natural turmoil has shifted both naturally and spiritually exposing established systems of evil to the light of day and the Light of the Kingdom.

San Francisco – expect sudden turns in the road when the sprouts emerge at soil level; expect attacks by the enemy that some will call “judgments of God” designed to destroy the emerging and vulnerable sprouts of purpose – “San Francisco has a purpose about which people, even kingdom people have no idea! The region’s greatest battles prophesy her greatest destinies. Now, I will begin to produce a remnant of overcomers, says the Lord, and a different sound will come from San Francisco.”

“Look at Washington DC as a city more than a seat of government. Respond to the city more than the installed government embedded within the city. Consider again why this land cradles the capital. Redeem the land in order to lay foundation to redeem the capital. To capitalize on the capital, re-fertilize the land, restore its fertility. It has become unfruitful, barren, sterile, salted by satanic curse. ‘I have not cursed this land upon which the capital rests. Remove this curse!’”

I see a vision of an arch triumphant made of the limbs cut from blossoming trees. The spring of 2015 will see a release of spiritual springtime; brush arbors of revival will spring up again.

Filing Blueprints for Approval

I had a vision of blueprints that lack the embedded seal of approval required for site preparation.

“For nearly four decades, many people have attempted site preparation for construction without approval of the blueprints. They may or may not be properly equipped to do site preparation. They may or may not be skilled enough to accomplish the site preparation the blueprints call for. They may or may not have any idea what the blueprints require in terms of site preparation.

“So, all over this nation, site preparation exists without regard for the actual construction My blueprints call for because the blueprints had not yet been authorized for construction.

“This has caused weariness, discouragement, distraction, even witchcraft in the intercession movement. Staking out the site without the proper authorization of the blueprints – that is very different from the authorization to function as an intercessor!

“Some site preparation has been done fifteen, twenty, thirty, even more times! The sites have been turned over, soil shoved around, ley lines moved, and run off conceived, but the sites remained unprepared for construction because the site preparation completed by intercessors lacked a full revelation of the blueprints so that the site preparation actually prepared the site for the completed projects.”

“A reset of the intercession movement will result in an immediate revitalization as blueprints of these sites are authorized for completion and those authorized for construction call those intercessors to the sites with complete blueprints in hand, operating in full consultation with apostles and prophets, the embedded seal on every page of the blueprints.

“First, examine the intercessors to determine if they are site preparation people. Not all intercessors are. Second, filter out the ones committed to ‘clearing the land’ with no regard for the construction purpose, the ones who show up to declare ‘this site is cleared because we were here.’ Remove all the ‘Kilroy was here’ signs from previously posted on construction sites. Begin anew with authorized blueprints.

“Do not rebuke elders in the intercessor movement. Entreat them like fathers and mothers. With some calm counsel, perhaps they will enjoy seeing the greatest dreams of their prayer lives come to pass in their seasons of honor. Like Simeon and Anna, perhaps they will hold the promises in their arms!

“However, understand that they have been standing, waiting for what someone else must do. Understand that the Promise will be born in obscurity and delivered to their arms. They may miss the manger but they will experience the moments of dedication and redemption of the Promise.”

When You Put on Your Glasses…

In a visionary impression, I saw people awakening from sleep and reaching to the side table by the beds for their glasses. As they did, awakening from spiritual sleep, they realized their prescriptions were improper, that they required new prescriptions in order for their eyes to focus properly.

Some were near-sighted, seeing only things close in terms of place and time. They had little thought for others or nations. They had little concept of tomorrow or revelatory insight into the future that gave them a sense of purpose for today.

Some were far-sighted, seeing only things in the distance or future. They had little thought for the here and now and lived impractical lives because they didn’t apply to the next step or next moment what they could see far away.

Some required corrective lens for specific conditions. They had blind spots. Some of the people wearing these glasses actually asked for them. They wished to see around them but not seeing some specific things.

I heard a voice from heaven: “When you put your glasses on, you will realize that awakening requires a new prescription. What can be seen hasn’t changed, but you must receive a new prescription to see properly in this season. Throw off the old glasses, put on the new prescription! These new will provide a proper focus for your eyes.”

Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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