Category: discipling

Judas Spirit Dynamics

You see this Judas spirit, a term we use to describe the betrayal actions and activities of an inner circle leader who turns tailcoat on his assignment, worked against every one of them, and at times had revealed identical sentiments in their hearts that drove Iscariot’s son into actions of hellish consequences.

Ephesians 4: “Prepare and Position”

The process produces a Body that measures up to the Head in stature, and until it measures up to the Head in the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, it remains far too weak to have “increased with respect to the Head.”

The Discipline of Repentance

Building a kingdom lifestyle upon a foundation of discipline and repentance appropriates the power, process, and preparation each of us needs to be the person God created and do what God has called us to do. Such a lifestyle appropriates leadership from God directly and from those assigned as leaders in our lives.

Apostolic Shepherding, Part 2, Jesus, the Good Shepherd

or our purposes, focus upon the contrast of taking from sheep or giving to sheep seems of paramount importance. While we don’t expect shepherds to become sacrificial lambs to die instead of sheep, we understand that Messiah reveals an aspect of Davidic leadership as a standard for shepherding: a willingness to risk your self, reputation, well-being, and personal desires for the sake of someone else’s sheep.

Kingdom Leadership Dynamics, Part 4, Five Spiritual Leadership Dynamics

If we lack consensus, we have failed to mature spiritual leaders who can function in kingdom leadership dynamics. Division exposes immaturity.

Kingdom Leadership Dynamics, Part 3, Principles and Protocols

A kingdom always functions on principles and protocols. The principles of God’s kingdom rest upon an agreement or covenant, or I would say, “a covenant agreement.” The terms of the […]

Kingdom Debt Cancellation: Followup to FirstFruits

Father promises provision to those who make His kingdom a priority. When you pursue heaven’s kingdom, Father becomes your Source. Father gets involved in the minute details of your life […]

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