Positive Pregnancy Tests
I was looking over Dutch Sheet’s right shoulder in the dream as he examined a long list of positive pregnancy tests. In front of him were sterilized plastic buckets filled with used positive pregnancy tests. The buckets were half pink and half blue and filled with both pink and blue positive tests.
The “gender reveal” for these tests was not the gender of the babies but the gender of the pregnant person.
I overhear Dutch Sheets say to someone sitting next to him, “We have nearly the same amount of men as women!” His face reveals his joy, and joyful tears fill his eyes. He turns this head both directions looking at those sitting on either side of him and shakes it with wonder.
“We have an army!” Dutch says.
Pregnant All the Time!
In the next scene, I watch men and women holding a pregnancy test in their hands. They have the buckets in front of them. They will place the pregnancy test into one of the buckets–either the pink and blue ones for positive or a black bucket for negative. All the black buckets were empty!
I felt this so immediate in my spirit in the dream. All the intercessors are pregnant.
Some of those holding tests see a positive and drop their heads with a weariness, then put the positive test gently into the bucket and walk away to carry the baby. Some of them see the positive result with new-found joy as if this is their first pregnancy. They rush off, eager to carry the baby.
God Breathes Upon Pregnant Intercessors
The scene returns to Dutch Sheets standing in front of a large open arena like Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado (I am in Estes Park, near there now) with massive red rocks on either side. He looks up to speak to the thousands of pregnant intercessors.
He says, “Some of you are weary from repeated pregnancies. You are getting pregnant weekly and birthing in seven days. You have been doing so for years.
Some of you have been birthing purposes only for months, but you have gained stature in prayer through accelerated maturity.
Some of you are now pregnant for the first time. You will learn to become a person of extra oil this week. You will also gain stature through accelerated maturity.
Tonight, you will all receive what you need to birth the babies. You will receive the eternal power of the groan of God as a wind washes through you. Spiritual refreshing will soak you, permeated the pores of your soul, and infuse you with life-giving hope, mega-grace, and new birthing rhythms. Can you hear the wind? Here it comes!
A worship sound began that was like a glorious nursery rhyme that mother’s sing. God was singing over the pregnant ones. The pregnant crowd responded with high female and deep male voices singing in beautiful harmony with the wind.
I looked at a close up of individual people shown in the dream. Each person was deep breathing to receive oxygenation from God’s wind.
Dutch shouted into the microphone, and his voice echoed through the mountains, “Breathe in deep! Breathe in deep! Intercessors of America, breathe in deep!”
Weariness will not stop the expanded army of intercessors!