God’s Grace Gifts

At the core of our beliefs, we embrace grace. In the consequences of embracing grace, we manifest grace through gifts. For some, the consequences of grace disappear right after they get into “unmerited favor.” On God’s part, grace has consequences that manifest every day in the ways that we function in every area of our lives.

Along this spectrum of “graceful living,” the entire Ecclesia sets a mark for their appropriation of grace and function in the kingdom. My premise for procedure and practice is that we should not only embrace grace but exhaust its provisions, mining the depths of grace, refining the manifestation of grace, and “banking” grace’s highest against the lowest of our adversary’s efforts to divert, divide, and distract us.

Jesus was visibly full of grace and truth to those who gazed upon His Glory. The basis for His grace and truth was His identity.

To get a grip on grace, we need to see grace as an enabling capacity. We are discussing our Personal Leadership by looking at: created disposition, calling, charismata, function, and our pathway of destiny fulfillment. The grace of God will enable us to live and function along the lines of the person God created us to be so we can do what God has called us to do. Grace enables a life and living, produces a lifestyle of kingdom function. Fulfilling destiny is deeply frustrated by a short-circuit or dysfunction of any one of these aspects of personal transformation, restoration, and operation.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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