Sometimes I Need a Miracle…

Never doubt God’s faithfulness because you need a miracle or healing.

Paul was bitten by a snake after having been shipwrecked. He didn’t doubt God for failing to protect Him from being bitten at the very moment he needed God for a miracle!

Some teach favor as if they never need a miracle or healing because God is faithful, yet God is still faithful when you need a miracle or healing. Some doubt God because they need a miracle or healing at the very moment they need to believe Him most.

If your response to trouble is to curse the trouble, you will be empty when you should be full. Yet, even when you are empty, you can still trust His promises, believe His Words, cry to the Lord, and receive what you need!

I have observed people bang their heads against the wall with the pain or loss, disease, and lack. The effort finally emptied them of their struggle and they relaxed into mercy and help. But this is not necessarily the best approach in the time of need.

Mary and Joseph must have been amazed that God sent provisions from the wise men several months before they would need it to escape into Egypt. Rather than cursing Herod’s murderous hatred or wondering why God allowed such a horror, they were provided a way out, a provision for an Egyptian vacation, paid in full! Paid by strangers! Paid with money sent months before it was needed.

God didn’t sent the snake or motivate Herod’s death march, and He didn’t put you into the need for a miracle or healing. Don’t doubt Him because you need Him, realize that He is not caught by surprise when your enemy’s strategies play out pain and lack in your life.

Doubting God when you need Him most is a fundamental hellish distraction, an effort to put you on the quishy slush of distrust that would keep you from running into Abba’s arms. This is how faith is purified by the burning test of unwelcomed fire.

Can you maintain focus on God’s Word when hell is pressing you to scream about your need? Even then, the screaming may leave you alone with God, and you will find Him stronger than your hopeless heart, carrying you when you cannot scream anymore.

The test moves us into higher places in the face of trouble. We can be lifted by successful endurance to places where we praise God in prison, shake off snakes that bite us, fight cancer that terrifies the soul, and rise to higher levels of trust.

Job says, “Though He slay me yet still I trust Him.” When David was faced with judgment for his sin, he said, “I would rather be in God’s hands than the hands of my enemies.”

Sometimes we miss God’s provided weapons and provisions because we lack understanding revelation of His strategy for our miracle and healing. Strategy include timing. The weapon does not appear to be a weapon or belong to us when our breakthrough is right under our noses. Or, the last piece of the revelation puzzle doesn’t seem to fit because we were too distracted with the problem to assembly the other pieces provided.

We can be one prayer, one relationship, one open door, one breakthrough, one word from the miracle or healing, and have no clue until we see God’s strategy play out. We were too focused, perhaps, on the need for healing and a miracle.

I have had good friends speak doubt into my life because I needed a miracle or healing as if the reality that I have need is contrary to the reality of God’s favor. I cannot doubt God because I have a need as the very moment I must trust Him to be my Source and Resource!

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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