Understanding What to Do with Revelation

Most of the revelation a believer receives involves a relationship with Holy Spirit who is teaching, guiding, comforting, rebuking, and assigning. This is the majority of revelation: God sharing His secrets and being God in a believer’s life.

Most specific revelation comes as part of the “assigning,” and most of that should be considered an opportunity for intercession, especially in intercessors, seers, watchman, and prophets. Still little in the way of further communication is needed. This would be shared with leaders and other intercessors who share assignments. This type of revelation can be a daily experience for watchman intercessors and prophets.

Some distraction may occur at this point if intercessors and watchman move the revelation into more of a “I need to do something about this” mode, especially if they lack the leadership assignment to actually make decisions and solve problems. That is, seeing and hearing that is given for intercession will bring frustration to intercessors and watchman who jump to the conclusion that “I got the revelation, so I am the one to enforce it or determine what should be done about it.”

The distraction comes to move intercessors out of intercession and watchman off the wall. If hell cannot keep you from intercession, hell will work to limit your intercession by distraction. To substitute “taking the matter into your own hands, thinking, or opinion” is the number one distraction of intercessors and watchman. They expend the emotional energy needed for giving birth to God’s purpose in figuring out how others should react or respond to the revelation.

Abraham’s Intercession

When Abraham heard God’s revelation of judgment for Sodom, he immediately took the revelation into intercession. He didn’t go to Sodom to warn Lot or raise an army to take the city, or attempt an evacuation on his own strength of leadership. He understood that God shared His secrets because Abraham was a father of nations. He acted like a father of nations.

Recently a friend from out of my state shared a secret God had revealed to them. The person is a seasoned watchman intercessor and was sharing this revelation with me because we share assignment in the kingdom. The intercessor was really worked up about the revelation, and had fallen into the distraction of worrying more about it than praying about it. While I have seen this intercessor pray things to pass, she was attempting to talk something to pass and that effort produced anxiety and anger.

Abraham took his revelation into intercession because he understood the power of prayer and that intercession was the most appropriate response. Intercession was more consistent with God’s heart and intentions than an effort upon Abraham’s part to do something that makes sense to a human being.

Watchman Position and Perspective

The number one frustration of watchman comes from the number one misapplication of revelation: assuming that the revelation puts you in a position to have an opinion instead of praying the heart and will of God to pass. When a watchman assumes this out-of-position position, the watchman no longer sees from their assigned position; they come off the wall and leave that gap open. The watchman off the wall has no grace flow to deal with what they’ve see and heard, and the effort they make to do something with their revelation leaves them exposed to anxiety and anger. Instead of being part of the solution, they become part of the problem. They extend their aggression for the enemy into the city: that is, being ready to wage war, they become aggressive toward the wrong object and objectives. They have not way of releasing out what God has released in and process the secret of God over and over.

They will discuss something in a circle. They will become frustrated that leaders aren’t “taking this seriously” or “doing something about this,” and they will express their anxiety and anger, expending the emotional energy that should go into birthing in processing their own opinion. 

Intercessors and watchmen are working with God’s opinion, not their own. For some reason, the watchmen sometimes expect to come off the wall to administrate and even pontificate, when their place is left empty and their words become a whirlwind. This is a great dysfunction that produces a harsh division.

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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