2016 Brings 2015 Carryovers to Fulfillment
First, 2016 is a carry over of what God was doing in 2015 and the two years cannot partitioned from one another. Last year, I saw license plates giving permission for ministries to return to their originating missions. All the plates had dates ending with “6” and God said what I’m doing in 2016 tells you what 2015 is all about.
The resets of originating mission statements were the foundations for the uptick in fulfilling God’s purposes for these ministries in 2016. That is, ministries and individuals that restored their priorities and passions to originating purposes will come into 2016 positioned for the greatest time of fulfillment they’ve ever known!
God reset the assignments of many people’s lives and many ministries so that they could return to the pathway of Providence that would provide for greater fulfillment of destiny and purpose in 2016. Those who continue to veer off course from the actual reason for their existence, making their lives and assignments secondary to God’s originating purpose for them, 2016 will be a year of withering on the Vine.
Volcanoes and Mantle Plumes
Second, I see a volcano in the spirit. I see both existing volcano cones that are cold and new volcanoes rises up in level places, both bursting with eruptions of burning purpose and passion.
It is not possible to discuss “volcanoes” without a discussion of “mantles.” The play on words between “volcanoes” and “mantles” speaks of special representatives of the heavenly kingdom that provide regional influence and impact in their leadership.
Seventeen plates float on the surface of the earth. Eruptions that breakthrough through the plates are called “mantle plumes.” A mantle plume identifies an active volcano, a volcano alive with its identifying definition. It is not merely a mountain or peak. It is opening that communicates with something that lies beneath.
Seventeen is the number of “victory” with a sense of completion. If the whole were to be set afire with volcanic eruptions, we could finish the victory. Volcanoes, if fully initiated and operational on all seventeen plates, would represent the fullest worldwide kingdom revival of history.
The “mantle plumes” will mark kingdom mantles with eruptions as the greater fire that burn beneath the surface erupt. A “mantle plume” represents the fullness of any mantles function as if everything is hitting on all cylinders in terms of anointing, strategy, alignment, alliances, and most importantly, the fullest implementation of the prepared and positioned leaders and saints aligned with that mantled leader’s assignment.
In 2016, expect spiritual “mantles plumes” that release “the fire beneath” these mantles and expose “the deeper burning” that has been longing, crying, and waiting for a season of release. Pressures began building in 2015, with some rumblings that helped us identify potential hot spots, but the hot spots that experience “mantle plumes” will be those that become active sources of fire in 2016.
When a mantled leader releases from “the hidden depths,” you will see a manifestation of spiritual force available to and through them bursting into view with sudden, surprising, and immediate power! Some mantled leaders have never experienced the greatest of their eldership because of betrayals, complacency, wrong seasons, distractions and substitutions, because they have never given themselves to the preparation and positioning of other leaders, but this season of eruption will spark an acceleration of the best strategic assembly of leaders to support and carry out the highest of the originating assignment.
While mantled leaders can be identified as “mantled” by the appearance of their mantling, there lies beneath the visible a deeper reservoir of kingdom authority and power that comes to the surface in times when God desires to be represented more apparently than before. That is, God is about to set off some volcanic eruptions of kingdom grace through mantled leaders, and mantle plumes will blow fire from deeper spiritual substrata into the atmosphere.
Outbreaks of kingdom fire will alter the horizons of many nations where these mantled leaders become alive again or for the first time in ways that create “hotspots” of volcanic activity affecting whole regions and blowing spiritual fire into the upper atmosphere over nations.
The metaphor of a volcano speaks of hidden burning cooled by the prevailing atmospheres in previous seasons that will become pressurized by God’s passion for those nations, and “mantle plumes” will break through the crusted places.
In this sense, some “mountains” that do not appear volcanic will erupt as well as some dormant volcanoes. However, I feel that the volcanoes I see are not marked on the map, so to speak, but are mantles prepared for plumes in this next season.
This is an international vision.
Overshadowed Mountains
To understand the volcanoes and mantle plumes, consider how God will overshadow existing mountains and level places, image how that overshadowing will shake those places until the mantled leaders in those places become volcanoes.
Consider how the potent burning that lies beneath will erupt and people will stand in wonder: “all that fire was burning all along but now has erupted into the atmosphere.” Overshadowing brings pregnant places to birthing, the break open of closed wombs, the stirring matrix of purpose that awaits a faithful generation.
Prophesying Donkeys Shut Down Balaam Prophets
Third, I see donkeys prophesying to false prophets. Donkeys prophesy to blind prophets whose prophetic proclamations answer to purpose foreign to and in opposition with God’s purposes.
God is halting the Balaams, and there are many of them, who function within the walls of churchanity, who have assignments to limit, by curse and false identity and destiny, the present revival.
Their donkeys would represent the vehicles upon which their pseudo ministries move about, just as bicycles or cars represent personal ministry; and these donkeys themselves are going to prophesy, shutting down the errant voices by falling down underneath them. Their vehicles of ministry and function will fail them and turn upon them. A sudden hostility to the fraudulent behavior will cause their structures to fail.
Some murmuring voices are going to be stilled. Some critical pundits are going to stop talking. Some enticing whisperers are going to move back in with their parents. And, some vocal witchcraft is going to go hoarse. While the voices of clear judgment, wisdom, discernment, and criticism will sound louder, these contrary voices that misrepresent the prophetic and apostolic foundations will be muted.
Clearly, internal oddities will discredit and dismantle these false prophets.
Clashing Swords on New Battlefields
Fourth, I hear clashing swords, blade upon blade, testing the tensile strength of opposing forces in direct, face-to-face combat. The important issue is the strength of the weapon as it strikes the contrary word, the Sword of the Spirit being the rhema of God striking the false rhema of the opposing forces.
The kingdom can no longer abide its conflicting messages because the voices have become so contrary that people must take sides, and the passion for purpose in God’s Remnant will move forward with such force that it must run into the internal opposition on its way to a battlefield filled with the enemies of God’s purposes.
God is going to deal with the politics of envy in an opposing spirit of meekness. However, the meek that inherit the earth will clash swords simply because meek doesn’t mean weak, and the meed will continue to speak with spiritual authority and power. The clash will come because they are opposed, not because they attack.
We have tolerated detractors because of misplaced convention, courtesy, and comfort, but the passion of the rising Remnant, burning from the lava of “mantle plumes” in the several hot spots of revival, will create a forward motion of such sudden and intense momentum, the detractors will be caught flat footed and will raise the rhea of dissent against God’s valiant reserve.
“Rhea vs rhema” isn’t the title of the new battlefields but the line crossed, the point of no return at which the Remnant will not turn back, moving onto the real enemies of God’s purposes.
It is time to stop waiting for a false unity that will never come and proceed forward as a radical Remnant, to lead the kingdom onto new battlefields, clash swords with the abiding establishment of dissent to revival and Awakening, and gain the greater boldness from this clash: “our swords – God’s rhema – stand the test!”
The clashes over the authority of the Scriptures, the definition of Ecclesia, and the fundamental, spiritual realities of the kingdom of God will create strong skirmishes with dissenters that will appear as strong as civil war in christiandom, but the clashes are necessary to “separate the men from the boys,” the warriors from the wasters, and the faithful from the compromisers in the day of critical conflict.
This is no time to waver! Every definition of “love and honor” that presupposes that no such clash can or should occur will be immediately challenged, and the saints will take sides over strategy, posture, and message in 2016. The rising, radical Remnant should allow for Gideon test of leadership, move on to new battlefields, and stop wooing and arguing with dissenters. Moving as meek as Moses with the rod of God in our hands.
In short, no definition of kingdom courtesy should delay us in pursuing the new battle lines.
Do not interpret this as a hostile attitude toward dissenters, simply a season of moving on to the next battlefields, clashing swords but not engaging in battle with those within the kingdom who wish to turn back, moving on with courage and conviction to engage the spiritual enemies of God’s purposes.
Civil War in the Kingdom
Fifth, the resulting upheaval of the Remnant – moving past the clashing of swords with kingdom dissenters – will cause a great resettling of modern churchanity along two distinct lines. Remnants do not operate in political spirit dynamics that explain more than half the list of “works of flesh” as the chief limiters of SpiritFirst leadership and living. They will be misunderstood by those who require the decorum of politics. They are the establishment who think they do God a favor maintaining a manageable status quo instead of expanding and establishing kingdom on earth.
One response will be like those that followed John the Baptist. They will walk in a season of renewed minds, accepting new revelation that produces new behavior, the washing of a preparatory baptism, and wide open eyes and ears to respond to the Day of Visitation.
The other will be like that those that solidified their places among the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians in rejection of the season change and “day of the Lord” visitation that comes upon nations in 2016. Again, the stubborn reluctance of the establishment to change – the very condition that keeps kingdom from gaining momentum – will cause a strong disgust to grow against those determine to see revival and reformation.
Do not expect to be greeted with “God speed” by the establishment.
As some fought revival in the past, now the distinctions between those sold out to status quo and a totally different Message and those with passion for God’s purposes move them to radical readiness and response against further infiltrations of compromise will become more clear.
Those that stand for Truth will be called “haters, bigots, critics, and controlling leaders.” Those that rest themselves in the status quo will embrace more humanism, globalism, collectivism, and find ways to welcome the agendas of the Leviathan’s systematic delusion. In no place will this become more apparent than in media, government, economics, and arts.
The contrast will be so severe that many will be distracted from the true enemy.
The Remnant cannot afford to invest its energies in combat within the kingdom when the season calls us to move past the initial clash of swords with dissenting brothers and rush forward into the new battlefields God is opening against His enemies.
That is, we should expect to run into our true enemies in media, government, economics, and arts and maintain our focus upon those battlefields instead of wasting time attempting to turn the hearts of traitors and those that collaborate with Christ’s enemies.
Blockbuster Event
Finally, I heard the word “blockbuster” referring to a real life event more than a cinematic one in which a real life event will be a blockbuster attraction for several weeks and will eclipse all other presentations of drama. This blockbuster will gobble up all the attention and all other efforts, though previously worthy of celebration, will simply not be able to gather a crowd.
I’m speaking of a kingdom event that will reset the conversation and the agenda of the kingdom for people. By a “kingdom event” I do not mean to infer that everyone will recognize the kingdom agenda that produces the event or the kingdom agenda that comes out of the blockbuster event. Only that the blockbuster, like the most recent “Star Wars” movie, will expand the understanding of the Remnant to the purposes of the previous move of God by placing them in an historic kingdom context, revealing how God has been at work in past generations and revivals to prepare and position the Remnant for this great culminating season of visitation for the nations.