A Word for Brasil from Dr Don Lynch

Mercy has shouted louder than judgment. God has roared from Zion in answer to intercession in your nation.

Do not forget that God has done this. You do not have the victory, you have the opportunity God’s mercy provides. Mercy is “time as opportunity.”

It is now that you begin the kingdom conquest that secures the purposes of God for this land.

He has called you to be a fathering nation. He has called you to ba leader among the nations. He has called you to a season of conquest through which the King of kings gains spiritual influence over this land, border to border, boundary to boundary, corner to corner.

As Elisha says to the king as one prophetic season closes and a new prophetic season begins, “Open a window to the east and prophesy to what is coming next.”

A new test begins now for kingdom leaders in Brasil. God hands you the arrows and asks you to strike the ground. He tests your passion for His purposes. He will ask you for more in this new season than He did in the previous season.

Now! A new intercession begins. It is intercession for increased Awakening and cultural Reformation. It is continuing revival intercession in the darkest places, light shining into neighborhoods bound by lawless despots of despair.

Now God will reveal corruption within the kingdom at a deeper level and raise the standard for integrity even higher among His leaders. Now, God will say, “I must have David leaders instead of Saul’s.”

Now, Brasil will prosper so it can lead. It will become the number one missionary sending nation. It will join with other fathering nations. It will cut its alliances with Baal. It will reach out to Israel – because no nation is rightly related to any other nation until it is rightly related to Israel.

Now, apostolic councils and prophetic companies must be assembled. Now, training schools like the blacksmith shops that forge warriors and weapons for those warriors must be started. Now, a new intercession must be matured. Now, a more radical Gospel must be preached.

Now, every part of the culture must be influenced by kingdom culture.

God says, “Brasil, lead the way! Brasil, become a father of nations! Brasil, I have put into you what I wish to release through you!”

Now, the sound of God’s kingdom in Brasil will be heard in every nation on Earth. That sound is not a sound from the US, Australia, or Europe. It is a sound of worship produced in the season of your birthing this day of hope, this season of mercy.

Put all your trust in God, but thank Him for the open window to the east through which you now release the arrow fo God’s deliverance. Take the rest of the arrows and strike the ground. (See 2 Kings 13.)

Do not stop striking the ground until the fullness of His promise is yours!

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Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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