Category: General

The Discipline of Repentance

Building a kingdom lifestyle upon a foundation of discipline and repentance appropriates the power, process, and preparation each of us needs to be the person God created and do what God has called us to do. Such a lifestyle appropriates leadership from God directly and from those assigned as leaders in our lives.

The Discipline of Repentance

Building a kingdom lifestyle upon a foundation of discipline and repentance appropriates the power, process, and preparation each of us needs to be the person God created and do what God has called us to do. Such a lifestyle appropriates leadership from God directly and from those assigned as leaders in our lives.


To find truly selfless people is rare. “Claiming the right to one’s self” enters near the top of the list of spiritual complications, and the kingdom needs people pumping the […]

Apostolic Shepherding, Part 2, Jesus, the Good Shepherd

or our purposes, focus upon the contrast of taking from sheep or giving to sheep seems of paramount importance. While we don’t expect shepherds to become sacrificial lambs to die instead of sheep, we understand that Messiah reveals an aspect of Davidic leadership as a standard for shepherding: a willingness to risk your self, reputation, well-being, and personal desires for the sake of someone else’s sheep.

Apostolic Shepherding, Part 2, Jesus, the Good Shepherd

or our purposes, focus upon the contrast of taking from sheep or giving to sheep seems of paramount importance. While we don’t expect shepherds to become sacrificial lambs to die instead of sheep, we understand that Messiah reveals an aspect of Davidic leadership as a standard for shepherding: a willingness to risk your self, reputation, well-being, and personal desires for the sake of someone else’s sheep.

Apostolic Shepherding, Part 1, People as Sheep

We should assume that the condition of millions of believers would be similar to sheep in that they remain vulnerable, simple, immature, needy, and without proper feeding skills. They need a shepherd to feed them, leading them to a place where there is available spiritual food. They need a shepherd to stand between them and danger; sometimes that danger comes from their own ignorance, blindness, and inattentive and careless posture. They need a shepherd to care for this when sick, diseased, or injured. This is a valid kingdom leadership dynamic, but it is not the dominant leadership dynamic. Not all kingdom citizens should be sheep, acting like sheep, or requiring shepherding as a predominate aspect of kingdom leadership.

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