Healthy kingdom culture is only possible when the grace flow of apostles is present, active, honored, and integrated. They serve a role of in kingdom revelation we could characterize as “blueprint leadership.”
“Superlative humility” means that I push the limits of humility until I hit extremes of grace and Divine strength.
The real issue is that our exposure in the storm requires us to reconcile with our flaws.
I am not a survivor. I am an overcomer. I never had one moment of fear about this virus. I know it kills vulnerable people just as the flu and the common cold when the symptoms pile up and attack some people’s lungs before the proper treatment for pneumonia can defeat its deadly symptoms. I know these things, but I know something else about sickness and disease as well: I know that illness is war, and I am a warrior.
Em outras palavras, um profético assim, por si só é um desvio sem saída no “Parque de Diversões na Terra do Profeta”. Ainda priorizamos nossas inseguranças: “é preciso provar que ouvimos de Deus”. Isto é infantil, mas ainda estamos presos na mamadeira ao invés de termos uma liderança profética robusta.
We have received enough prophetic words to tear the boat apart in the storm with some thinking Jesus walking on water is a ghost because of superstition and others thinking Jesus is careless for sleeping.
Even the ones that accurately predicted the virus–few in number as we should have expected–failed to provide a prophetic process that results in an apostolic implementation for kingdom expansion.
The meaning of submission is not seen in people kissing the ring but trusting the fathering leader. The meaning of the fathering leader is not to show his intimidating spiritual authority before all with a microphone but to trust the inheritors who are submitting to do what he does so they can eventually do greater.
The greatest enemy of truth is exaggeration. The use of metaphors that reveal spiritual reality to explain our existential substitutes for spiritual reality produces superstition–that is, a false “how things really work in the spirit” point of view. That is, we build religion with tradition and superstition using a Bible and Bible words to proof text our error.
You have a Providential pathway that prophetically reveals God’s hand and direction in your mundane life and history, indicating His responses to your experiences.
Motivational gifts point to the person studying up on himself when all grace capacities point to the individual believer within the kingdom culture and the building, body, and bride of Christ.