Category: General

Please Start Judging Immediately!

In my experience, the people carrying the “Judge not” signs in the protest parade are the ones engaging in the blind criticism most. They judge those they consider to be judging. They measure those they accuse of measuring. They dishonor those they accuse of dishonor. They hate those they accuse of not loving. This is the mark of blind criticism. It is destructive to the person engaging in the process because they are not positioned to function or refuse to function in critical thinking according to God’s order.

What Makes Church Work Properly?

I propose that this term means, “prepare and position,” in this context, and that this dual meaning best describes what Paul says about kingdom leadership. I see Paul’s point as “leaders position members of the Body to function, preparing them to function at optimum levels in ways consistent to and in coordination with the systems of the spiritual Body, the Ecclesia.

How to Deal with False Accusations

You will watch in dismay as other leaders justifying the accuser’s victimization with false mercy, placating them for being treated so unjustly and setting them up to repeat their behaviors. Other leaders will give them permission to be rebellious, even continue to speak the false accusation after it is obvious to those actually involved that it is a false accusation.


Paul’s positive promise for those who produce good without losing passion often gains attention only from the negative aspect, not the positive. We are more likely to hear, “God isn’t […]

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